Intense 10-Minute Ab Workout for Defined Abs

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Intense 10-Minute Ab Workout for Defined Abs

Are you ready for an intense 10-minute ab workout that will make your abs love and hate you at the same time? This workout is part of a 2-week fitness program designed to help you get closer to those defined abs you've been dreaming of. And the best part? It's completely free! Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to the channel, and hit the notification bell to stay updated.

Join the Challenge

If you're up for the challenge, leave a comment below the video with your progress, use the dedicated hashtag on Instagram, or even create a YouTube video like some of these amazing girls to support each other on this journey. Let's do this!

Workout Structure

Each exercise in today's workout will last for 30 seconds and will be performed in a superset fashion. This means you'll do 2 exercises back to back followed by a 10-second rest. Let's get started!

Exercise Breakdown

Leg Raises: Slowly lower your legs, lift them up, tighten, and clap your hands. Keep your back glued to the floor when lowering your legs to prevent injury.

Reverse Crunches: Lift your hips off the floor using your core muscles. Make sure to engage your abs properly.

Spider-Man Plank: Bring one leg to the side to touch your elbow.

Cross Body Climber: Bring your knees as close as possible to the opposite elbow and engage your abs.

Russian Twist: Perform this exercise slowly and in a controlled manner to feel the burn in your abs.

In & Out: Inhale as you extend your legs and exhale as you bring them in and tighten your abs.

Plank with Hip Dips: Great for working your obliques.

Plank Jacks: Keep your abs engaged and go for it!

Hundreds: Lift your legs off the floor and move them up and down.

Up and Down Plank: Keep your thigh muscles engaged and maintain proper form.

Heel Touches: Touch your ankles with your hands to engage your obliques.

Bicycle Crunches: Keep pushing through, you're almost there!

Reverse Crunches with Leg Extension: Use your abs to lift your hips.

Straight Leg Crunch: Pulse through the crunches and feel the burn.

Up and Down Plank: Finish strong with this last exercise!


Congratulations on completing the workout! I hope you enjoyed it and felt the burn. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications to stay updated on my latest videos. See you soon!


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